NEW! 2021 PROPOSED BUDGET (9/3/2020)Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick goes over the 2021 Proposed Budget that will be presented at the Annual Meeting. To view or download the Proposed Budget documents, click on the links below:
Bishop's Letter to the ConventionBishop's letter to all members (elected lay delegates of congregations, clergy of denomination in full common with the Episcopal Church in Hawai‘i and installed as Rector, Vicar, etc as per diocesan Canon 1.1) of the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i.
Click Here Bishop's Report to the ConventionComing in October
Contact InformationFor questions about the Annual Meeting and all related events, contact: Rae Costa in the Diocesan Support Center at (808) 536-7776 x326, or contact her by clicking here.
Legal DocumentsTo see a copy of the legal documents for The Episcopal Church in Hawai‘i, including the Constitution and Canons, please visit the "Legal" section on the "Forms and Documents" page.
e-Workbook DocumentsONE complete printed workbook per congregation will be available for distribution at the meeting. Printed condensed versions will be available for each attendee.
NominationsDiocesan Council: Exercises the power of the Convention and performs planning and policy-making between meetings of Convention. Oversees the policies, programs, mission, and budget of the Diocese and may initiate new work. Also is the legal corporate body of the Episcopal Church in Hawai‘i and, as such, is responsible for the business and property of the Church. This is the Board of Directors of the Diocese.
Standing Committee: Serves as the Bishop’s Council of Advice. Performs duties as specified by the General and Diocesan Convention, and the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Hawai‘i. Serves as the Ecclesiastical authority when there is no Bishop. Cathedral Chapter: Serves as the oversight body for The Cathedral of St. Andrew (both as a congregation and as the seat of the Bishop). Secretary of the Convention: Records minutes, enters them in the Journal, and, under the supervision of the Bishop, attends to the publication and distribution of the Journal, and performs other duties as prescribed in the Diocesan Constitution and Canons. Chairs the Committee on Convention Plans for planning the agenda and making physical arrangements for the Convention. Maintains various directories of Diocesan officers, commissions, departments, etc. |
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM Credentials Check-in
Check-in times will be pre-assigned. Keep your screen and device on. DO NOT turn it off or allow your device to sleep, or you could be cut-off and have to go through the check-in process again. 9:45AM - Check-in CLOSED Those attempting to check-in after this time will be invited to watch the livestream of the meeting on the Diocesan website or through YouTube. 10:00 AM - 52nd Annual Meeting of Convention is called to order. (Scheduled breaks may vary slightly depending on the course of the meeting.) 2:00 PM Meeting Concludes |
Online Registration now open.
Annual Meeting: NO FEES Registration and Credentials
The congregations of the Diocese share the costs of travel for the lay and clergy delegates (not alternates). The below documents that explain this practice and that detail the cost to each congregation will be posted at a later date.