150 YEARS OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN HAWAI'I In 2012, the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i celebrated its sesquicentennial. To mark this special occasion, a documentary about the history of the Church in Hawai'i was produced. Grace and Beauty: 150 Years of the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i is by Emmy Award Winning filmmaker Stephanie Castillo.
Celebrating 150 Years in Hawai'i: Beginning in September 2012, the Diocese of Hawai'i celebrated its sesquicentennial - 150th anniversary - with special events on all of the islands. The "main event" coincided with the Annual Meeting of Convention on November 9-11, 2012, and brought our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori to the islands. Also invited were the Diocese's former Bishops as well as dignitaries from our state, the country and the world. To view photos and read more about the Sesquicentennial, click HERE.
PULAMA 2016 FEAST DAY During November, churches around the Diocese will be planning special services for the Feast of the Holy Sovereigns, honoring King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. The feast day celebrates the King and Queen who brought the Anglican Church to Hawai'i, and left an enduring legacy of community service that continues to lift the human spirit, mind and body. The Rev. Moki Hino and Dixie Kaetsu produced this video entitled Pūlama, paying homage to our King and Queen.
This is a section of the beautiful stained glass window at The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Honolulu. It depicts the arrival of Thomas Nettleship Staley, received by King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. Staley was appointed the first Bishop of Hawai'i in 1862.