Available supply clergy are listed below, listed in alphabetical order by last name according to the island on which they live. Location preferences are listed next to the clergyperson's name. To submit corrections, please contact The Rev. Cn. Sandy Graham, Canon to the Bishop.
Supply clergy rates and policy can be found on our Forms and Documents page HERE. (Go to the yellow Finance Section under "Clergy Compensation.") Click HERE to send a request to the clergy person about availability.
Big Island
The Rev. David Glaser - available for any island
The Rev. David Jackson - available for any island
The Rev. Linda Decker - Big Island, Maui, Molokai
The Rev. Amy Crowe - Maui
The Rev. Christopher Golding - available for any island
The Rev. Heather Mueller - available for any island
The Rev. Robert Nelson - Maui
The Rev. Nancy Hite Speck- Maui
The Rev. Carol Arney - available for any island
The Rev. Peter Besenbruch - available for any island
The Rev. Dale Burke (ELCA) - available for any island
The Rev. Cn. Frank Chun - available for any island
The Rev. Frank Condello - available for O‘ahu
The Rev. Alison Dingley - available for any island
The Rev. David Gierlach - available for any island