Diocesan Convention
The Diocesan Convention is a body composed of all clergy who are canonically resident in the Diocese and elected delegates from each congregation. The number of delegates is based on the number of confirmed communicants in good standing in the congregation. The Diocesan Convention meets once each year, in October, to conduct the business of the Diocese. The Diocesan Council is the legislative body when the Convention is in recess.
Additional information is available by viewing the "Diocesan Convention" page. |
Diocesan Council
Exercises the power of the Convention and performs planning and policy making between meetings of Convention. Oversees the policies, programs, mission, and budget of the Diocese and may initiate new work. Also is the legal corporate body of the Episcopal Church in Hawai‘i and, as such, is responsible for the business and property of the Church.
Additional information is available on the "Diocesan Council" page. |
Standing Committee
Serves as the Bishop’s Council of Advice. Performs duties as specified by the General and Diocesan Convention, and the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Hawai‘i. Serves as the Ecclesiastical authority when there is no bishop. The Standing Committee meets on the third Saturday of each month, (on the morning of Diocesan Council meetings) and, occasionally, on call.
Additional information is available on the "Standing Committee" page. |