A Diocesan Customary (1/9/25)
RIP Linda Akana Sproat (1/7/24) RIP Bettye Jo Harris (1/6/25) RIP Cecilia Fordham (1/2/25) |
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A Diocesan Customary (1/9/25)
RIP Linda Akana Sproat (1/7/24) RIP Bettye Jo Harris (1/6/25) RIP Cecilia Fordham (1/2/25) |
Save the date!
CLERGY: O'AHU "PILGRIMAGE" February 11-13, 2025 (correct dates) All clergy in the Diocese are invited to attend a special gathering at St. Anthony's Retreat in Honolulu. For more information and to register, visit the event webpage HERE. |
Mark your calendars and save the dates for these important Diocesan events coming up in 2025!
To view regular ongoing activities in our churches, visit the COMMUNITY CALENDAR page on the News Website HERE.
Make an online donation through the Diocese and select A Cup of Cold Water or Bishop's Pastoral Fund.
A Cup of Cold Water, the Diocese's Care-van ministry serving all communities on Maui
Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) has established the Hawai'i Emergency Response Fund.
Comprehensive website for those seeking assistance and those wishing to provide assistance.
The Way of Love is a way of life.
More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It's a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest |