Music Sources for Churches
The Episcopal Church publishes a number of different hymnals (six, in fact), through Church Publishing. All orders for Church Publishing publications are now handled by Cokesbury.
Downloads from each of the hymnals and songbooks from Church Publishing are available through RiteSong, either on a per-song basis or through an annual subscription. Each of the books also is available as an Apple iBook (search by title in iTunes). The six publications are as follows:
Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick also grants permission to congregations to use other musical sources, especially those published by GIA Publications. The is an online index of a large collection of hymnals from many denominations. Other Resource Association of Anglican Musicians - An organization that encourages music and musicians serving in the worshiping communities of the Episcopal Church and the larger Anglican tradition. Founded in the early 1970s as the successor to the American Cathedral Organists and Choirmasters Association, AAM’s membership today embraces musicians, clergy, and supporters of music in Anglican liturgical life. Members work and worship in cathedrals, parishes and missions large and small, theological seminaries, and church-related schools. They are organists, pianists, bishops, guitarists, presbyters and deacons, directors and trainers of choirs, teachers of music, and friends of Anglicanism’s musical tradition and practice of sung prayer. |
Copyright and Licensing Issues
Congregations should be aware that they cannot legally photocopy music for use in worship services. However, there are ways to obtain permission easily, without writing to a publisher for permission for each song one wants to sing.