In May 2023, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick sent out an appeal to raise up more deacons in the Diocese, with the goal that every church have at least one deacon. (Read his letter HERE.)
Deacons have many varied ministries: they might serve as chaplains in hospitals or prisons, schools, in the military, or to veterans; they might run food kitchens; they might teach, write, or preach; they might serve in their local parish and/or around their diocese. Many deacons still have full-time secular jobs while ministering (in or outside of the workplace) as an instrument of God’s presence. They are on the frontlines of ministry in the world and inspire others to serve Christ, wherever they are. In the Diocese of Hawai'i, the Venerable Steve Costa serves as the Archdeacon. His colorful and moving journey to "servanthood" was featured in The Hawaiian Church Chronicle (November 2020). When not accompanying the Bishop, his schedule is devoted to serving the community. |
Archdeacon Steve Costa assists Bishop Fitzpatrick during an ordination
Deacons not only take part in worship services, but actively serve in our communities. Here is an alphabetical listing of vocational deacons canoncially resident in the Diocese:
Lani Bowman, St. Augustine's, Kapa'au, Big Island
Alberta Buller, Church of the Holy Apostles, Hilo, Big Island Steve Costa (Archdeacon), Honolulu Lisa Pang. St. John's, Guam Mary Margaret Smith, St. Michael & All Angels, Lihue, Kaua'i RETIRED
Honey Becker (living in Louisiana)
Patricia Reynolds, O'ahu Cris South (Living in California) Janice Watson (living in Texas) Peter Wu, O'ahu |
The Venerable Steve Costa
The Venerable Steven Costa is familiar to many in the Diocese. As the Archdeacon, he assists at official services where the Bishop is the Celebrant, including those held on the neighbor islands. On any given Sunday, he can be seen at a service somewhere in the Diocese. As a deacon, he has dedicated his life to serving others in the community, and fills his time volunteering in countless outreach efforts. READ MORE Read about Steve's incredible journey to becoming a deacon that appeared in the Hawaiian Church Chronicle in November 2020 HERE. |
The Rev. Deacon Lani Bowman
When does one's call to serve as a Deacon begin? Was it playing under the pews for years at St. Augustine's in Kohala? Was it in high school during the Vietnam War? Was it in being a foster parent, raising ten amazing “kids,” but also knowing no family should be torn apart? Was it the Cursillo movement where I experienced true Agape love? Was it seeing the stigmatization and dogma of what being a “Christian” is? Perhaps all of these helped start me on my path. Click HERE to read Lani's full bio. |
The Rev. Deacon Alberta Buller
Since arriving in Hawai'i in June 2022, I have served the people of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Apostles in Hilo. Part of that service includes supervising and training our Eucharistic Visitors (per the Canons of the Episcopal Church: Canons III.4.6 and III.4.7 ). I am also a member of the Commission on Ministry here in the Diocese. Click HERE to read Alberta's full bio. |
The Rev. Deacon Lisa Pang
I have been a Deacon for St. John's Episcopal Church in Guam for about fifteen years. I began my ordained ministry by providing a food closet for needy people. This evolved into a monthly meal for the houseless. Now, it has become a food collection for the houseless, which we package and distribute. Otherwise, my ministry consists of whatever I'm asked to do (within reason). For example, I have led Bible studies, Lenten and Advent studies, and confirmation preparation over the years. I assist in all services at St. John's. Many come and go at John's, and I am now considered an older member. As a clergy member, I try to offer families and anyone comfort and familiarity consistently. I hope to be that light at St. John's for many years. |
The Rev. Deacon Mary Margaret Smith
I have always felt called to service. As Christians, we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. It took me ten years to accept God’s call to the diaconate. To acknowledge this was what God wanted from me, especially in later life. But once I received the call, everything fell into place. I studied for four years under WCM, the local formation program, and was ordained as a Deacon in October 2023. I am now assigned to St Michael and All Angels in Lihue, Kaua‘i. As the only deacon on the island, I also serve occasionally at the other Episcopal Churches so the congregations can learn about the ministry of a deacon. Click HERE to read Mary Margaret's full bio. |
The Rev. Deacon Bob Steele
I serve regularly in Sunday services at The Church of Holy Nativity. I recently chaired our 75th Anniversary Celebration of Holy Nativity Committee, served on the school board of Holy Nativity School, and am a member of the Kupuna Watch Committee, which serves as a bridge between the Church and School. I am also a member of the Racial Reconciliation Task Force in the Diocese and a member of the board of the Samaritan Counseling Center, Hawai'i. |
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