Latest Messages:A Reflection on the Diaconate: The Feast of St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr
(Prepared for December 26, 2024, appeared in the Chronicle, January 23, 2025) One aspect of our common life as a Diocese that I hope we will enhance is the calling of vocational Deacons. While those called to the Priesthood pass through a period of transitional diaconate, those called to be Deacons have a special place in our common life.
What does it truly mean to be a Deacon? “An Outline of Faith” (the Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer, page 856) states: “The ministry of a Deacon is to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as a servant of those in need; and to assist bishops and Priests in the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments.” I have known three Deacons that have exemplified the ministry for me: READ MORE Bishop of Washington's Homily
January 23, 2025 I have been asked about the homily of the Bishop of Washington, the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, delivered on Tuesday, January 22, 2025, during A Service of Prayer for the Nation at Washington National Cathedral.
Bishop Budde’s words were faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a clarion call to live into the hope of the beloved community. She had a unique opportunity to fulfill her ordination promise to “be merciful to all, show compassion to the poor and strangers, and defend those who have no helper” (see the Book of Common Prayer, page 518, “The Ordination of a Bishop”). READ MORE A DIOCESAN CUSTOMARY
(Dated January 3, appeared in the Chronicle January 9, 2025)) Aloha my dear Siblings in Christ,
Among the many things on the Diocesan website there is page entitled Forms and Documents with extensive information. Under the heading “Sacrament,” you can find A Diocesan Customary. This is filled with details about liturgical norms, information about visitations, expectations of clergy, and other items. While the whole document might be helpful in understanding some practical aspects of being in the Episcopal Church, there are two items which I want the whole Diocese to consider. I share these because they are “hot” topics within the Episcopal Church. As your Bishop, I want you to know my understanding on these two matters: READ MORE FIRES IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY
January 8, 2025 The news of the devastating fire in Los Angeles has an impact in our Diocese. It will bring painful memories of the Maui fire for many. Many have family and friends in the Los Angeles area.
I commend to you the comments of the Bishop of Los Angeles, John Taylor, on the fire from the Diocese of Los Angeles' website. (To view his video message on YouTube, click on his image below.) READ MORE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
January 2-7, 2025 Click on the following links for announcements on the passing of the following:
November 27, 2024 New Dean and Honorary Canons Announced
November 17, 2024 I am pleased to announce that with the enthusiastic consent of the Chapter, I have appointed the Reverend Canon Heather Patton-Graham as the Dean of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu, effective the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024. Heather has faithfully served the Cathedral as Provost and Residentiary Canon since 2020. She will continue in her ministry as Chaplain at St. Andrew’s Schools as part of the shared ministry with the Cathedral. Heather’s installation as Dean is tentatively planned for the Aliʻi Evensong scheduled to honor King Kamehameha V and the Laying of the Cathedral Cornerstone on March 2, 2025. READ MORE
Bishop's Reflection: The Day After Election 2024
November 6, 2024 The first two verses of Hymn 665 in the Episcopal Church’s Hymnal 1982 have been singing in my head this morning:
All my hope on God is founded; he doth still my trust renew. Me through change and chance he guideth... READ MORE Bishop's Reflection on Election Day 2024
November 4, 2024 Tomorrow is Election Day 2024. I know most of us in Hawaiʻi have already voted by mail. It is a day for reflection and prayer.
I was born and raised in Central Illinois. I grew up in the “Land of Lincoln” visiting the Lincoln Home, Lincolnʻs tomb and the Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site. READ MORE Upcoming Election: Statement on Question #1
October 24, 2024 With the advice and consent of the Standing Committee, I share the following statement with the Diocese and the community:
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi supports the current ballot initiative in the State of Hawaiʻi to remove discriminatory language in our State Constitution that states "the Legislature has the authority to define marriage as between one man and one woman". During the coming election, we, therefore, affirm voting “yes” on “QUESTION #1: Removal of Specific Language Concerning the Authority of the Legislature to Reserve Marriage to Opposite-Sex Couples: Shall the state constitution be amended to repeal the legislature’s authority to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples?” READ MORE CONVENTION 56 & DISASTER RELIEF
October 10, 2024 Na ke aloha o ke Akua ma loko o Iesu Kristo, e aloha iā ʻoukou ā pau!
First, I ask your prayers for the 56th Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi. Canonically resident clergy and lay delegates from our Congregations will gather at The Cathedral this coming Saturday, October 12, to conduct the business of our Diocese. Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the 56th Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. READ MORE HURRICANE HELENE RESPONSE
September 29, 2024 Hurricane Helene has brought devastation across multiple states, with a rising death toll of nearly 100 people and hundreds more missing across six states. Millions are without power from Florida to Ohio. The storm made landfall in Florida's Big Bend region on Thursday night as a Category 4 hurricane, unleashing destructive winds and heavy rainfall. Even after weakening into a post-tropical cyclone, Helene continued to cause "catastrophic, historic" flooding in the southern Appalachian region according to news reports.
I urge all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Hawai’i to consider making a donation through the Episcopal Relief and Development program to support those impacted by the storm. As we received much following the Maui fires, we too must give to those who need our help. Visit the Episcopal Relief & Development website HERE to make a donation today. RIP: THE REV. CANON DAVID KITTLE KENNEDY
August 14, 2024 The Reverend Canon David Kittle Kennedy (age 92) died yesterday (August 13, 2024). David was ordained to the transitional Diaconate on July 7, 1963, and to the Priesthood on January 12, 1964, by his father, the Right Reverend Harry S. Kennedy, the last Bishop of the Missionary District of Honolulu. READ MORE
To view more of the Bishop's video messages, visit the Diocesan YouTube channel:
Past Messages2025
Earlier messages can be found on the archive page: