Bishop's Letter to the ConventionBishop's letter to all members (elected lay delegates of congregations, clergy of denomination in full common with the Episcopal Church in Hawai‘i and installed as Rector, Vicar, etc as per diocesan Canon 1.1) of the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i. (Coming this Summer)
Bishop's Report to the Convention |
Contact InformationFor questions about the Annual Meeting and all related events, contact: Rae Costa in the Diocesan Support Center at (808) 536-7776, ext. 326, or contact her by clicking here.
Legal DocumentsTo see a copy of the legal documents for The Episcopal Church in Hawai‘i, including the Constitution and Canons, please visit the "Legal" section on the "Forms and Documents" page.
Workbook: (Coming in October)
Budget: (Coming this Summer)
Nominations: (Will be available after online submissiondeadline)
Resolutions: (Will be available after online submission deadline)
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Credentials Check-in
8:30AM - Check-in CLOSED 8:45 AM - 55th Annual Meeting of Convention is called to order. (There will be breaks as needed and a half hour lunch.) 4:00 PM Meeting Concludes |
Registration fees
Education Day: TBD Annual Meeting: TBD Registration and Credentials
The congregations of the Diocese share the costs of travel for the lay and clergy delegates (not alternates). The below documents that explain this practice and that detail the cost to each congregation will be posted at a later date.
The Diocese does not provide funds for hotel or ground transportation. |