Bishop's Grant Application
Funding Allocation
- Grants may be awarded up to $10,000.
- Based on the number of applications received; applications may be fully funded, or partially funded.
- The entity requesting a grant must show the amount they are contributing to the project/ministry (at least 50%).
- Priority is given to grants that are emergencies.
Your application will be reviewed using the following criteria:
- Funds may only be used for approved expenses, as noted in the project budget submitted as part of the application.
- If the entity wishes to use funds differently than described in the application, they must seek Council approval by notifying the Bishop about the intended change(s) and rationale.
- Receipts are required for all expenditures.
- Unexpended funds must be returned to the Diocese
- Significance of the project for the Diocese, your congregation and for the surrounding community
- Feasibility of the project
- Sources of funding from the entity beyond the Diocese
Click Here for Bishop's Grant Application